#St. Kitts and Nevis – Global Citizen Consultants https://globalcitizenconsultants.com A authorized government agent and representative for multiple citizenship by investment programs worldwide Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:08:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://globalcitizenconsultants.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/cropped-cropped-gcc-logo-icon-1-1024x901-1-1-32x32.png #St. Kitts and Nevis – Global Citizen Consultants https://globalcitizenconsultants.com 32 32 Alternatives to the canceled Portugal Golden Visa https://globalcitizenconsultants.com/alternatives-to-the-canceled-portugal-golden-visa/ https://globalcitizenconsultants.com/alternatives-to-the-canceled-portugal-golden-visa/#respond Tue, 14 Mar 2023 19:26:23 +0000 https://globalcitizenconsultants.com/?p=9062 With the alternatives to the canceled Portugal Golden Visa, an individual can now get the same benefits of the Canceled Portugal Golden Visa.Where because of the innumerable advantages and benefits of the Portuguese Golden Visa. It is not easy to find similar programs. However, after careful study and research, we have found for you some […]

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With the alternatives to the canceled Portugal Golden Visa, an individual can now get the same benefits of the Canceled Portugal Golden Visa.
Where because of the innumerable advantages and benefits of the Portuguese Golden Visa. It is not easy to find similar programs. However, after careful study and research, we have found for you some programs and options that the investor can choose.

Note: The Portuguese Golden Visa Program was recently restored with the abolition of the real estate investment method and the introduction of new investment methods including investing $500,000 in non-real estate funds.

About  the canceled Portugal Golden Visa

The Portuguese government, through its Prime Minister Antonio Costa, announced on February 16, 2023 during a press conference, the abolition of the Golden Visa programme. As one of the other package of decisions to solve the deteriorating housing situation. And high real estate prices in the country.
The Golden Visa program is closely linked to the real estate market in Portugal. Investors are allowed to obtain residency and passport in Portugal through investment, especially real estate investment. This program, in turn, led to a rise in housing prices and rents in the country, according to analysts.
First, Ireland canceled the Golden Visa program due to the housing crisis and introduced it to stimulate investment at a time when the country was going through economic hardship. Then Portugal closed the curtain on this program 10 years after its introduction.
In the same week, the Spanish left-wing political leader of the Mas País party introduced a bill to the Spanish Congress to cancel the Spanish Golden Visa program on the grounds of high housing prices. But things are still the same until now.

  • Canceled Portugal Golden Visa reasons


Most people think is that Portugal canceled this program because of the high housing prices, which is not true. The main reason for its cancellation is real estate speculation. And
The other reason is the fear of the risks of tax evasion and money laundering.
As the percentage of real estate in Portugal increased by 37% just in 2022. The Portuguese President explained that the housing problem affects all people of all classes, not just the needy class.

Where the abolition of the Portugal Golden Visa did not happen suddenly. But after several adjustments over the past three years. And in 2021, Portugal canceled real estate permits and excluded the purchase of real estate in the capital, Lisbon, and other major cities.
The Portuguese Golden Visa Program was designed to restore the economic situation and address the housing crisis in the country after the economic crisis in Europe in general and Portugal in particular in 2011. After the bailout plan issued by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.
In the years since the establishment of the Portuguese Visa Program, Portugal has collected revenues estimated at around €6.5 billion from this programme.

Any exceptions to the canceled Portugal Golden Visa Program?

As we mentioned, Spain looks like Portugal a lot. As of now, it is not clear if the revocation will only be for the real estate investment option, or if it will include all options. And final decision not has been taken in this regard yet. Where the Portuguese Prime Minister submitted the abolition file to Parliament. For approval in mid-March.
The President stated that people who already have a golden visa can renew their residency without any problem. Provided that the property is for personal ownership or a long-term lease.
In addition to canceling the golden visa, Portugal introduced a package of other decisions to overcome the obstacles that limit this problem. The most important of which is to expedite and facilitate the granting of real estate licenses. and encourage long-term rentals by lowering their taxes. Restrictions on increasing rents in new contracts. Encouraging homeowners to sell the property they do not need to the state, and in return, waive the capital tax for them.

  • Best alternatives to the canceled Portugal Golden Visa

  • Spain


If there is a program like Portugal Golden Visa, it is the Spain Visa Program. Which has an integrated program similar to the Portuguese Golden Visa.
The biggest advantage that makes a person hurry and choose Spain as a destination for the Golden Visa program is that Spain is also subject to possible cancellation after a possible period, this is the best alternatives to the canceled Portugal Golden Visa right now.
Because the leftist political leader of the party, Mas País, submitted signatures to cancel the golden visa for Spain. Which can be applied months from now. This means that now is the best time to apply for a unique and comprehensive, Portuguese visa program alternative.
We also mentioned that when the file is submitted and the initial approval is obtained from the government, the Spanish government does not have the right to cancel any previously submitted file. As with the similar program in Portugal, the program was canceled but investors who had already received approval were retained.

Global Citizen Consultants



Advantages of the golden visa for Spain

As we mentioned, Spain look a lot like Portugal. Starting from its geographical location next to Portugal, where they share a border. And the character of the people, and the language of Spanish which similar to Portuguese, as well as the atmosphere, customs and traditions.
Portugal’s Golden Visa, with the Spain Visa, you can obtain a European passport from Spain after 10 years of providing residency. Where the investor gets permanent residence in Spain and Europe after 5 years. Through it, the person has obtained residence in all European countries forever. And after another 5 years, the possibility of obtaining a passport ranks third in the world. Which comes on top passports in all European countries. Through it, one can enter 193 countries without a visa.

The requirements for investing in Spain are the same as for investing in Portugal. With an investment of €500,000, you will be able to obtain a golden visa for Spain and the possibility of residence in all Schengen countries. With the advantages of opening business ventures, bank accounts and companies in any country in Europe.
With a Spain visa, the investor can add his children and spouse with him so that they can benefit from the excellent European educational and health systems. By virtue of the presence of many prestigious universities in Spain. By making points, we have shown why Spain is the best alternative to Portugal for obtaining residency by investment, especially nowadays.



Greece is another preferred option for obtaining a passport and residency in Europe. By investment is the lowest among all the Golden Visa programs. It is valued at around 250,000 Euros by investing in Greek real estate. And the possibility of selling the property used in the investment after 5 years and obtaining a potential financial return from it.

The reason we chose Greece is that Greece will double the investment value from €250,000 to €500,000 soon. This reason is sufficient for the investor to quickly submit the application.

Greece also grants a Greek passport after 7 years of residence. It also occupies distinct locations in the world by occupying the seventh place in the list of the most powerful global passports. With the ability to enter 175 countries without a visa.



Grenada is a Caribbean island nation that also has a unique program to obtain permanent residence and the World class Passport. With very suitable investment values and endless benefits.
True, Grenada is not in Europe. But it is one of the best and most convenient ways to get to Europe. Meaning, when you have a Grenada passport, it will enable you to enter all European countries without a visa. Hence the possibility of studying, working and living in any European country.

We chose Grenada because it provides many benefits to investors at a much lower cost than the Golden Visa Programs. Which starts with a non-refundable contribution of $150,000 or an investment of $220,000 in real estate with the possibility of selling the property after 5 years. Thus obtaining a strong passport and not just residency. Thus, obtaining a strong passport and not just residency.

No residency is needed in Grenada before or after getting a visa, and there are no citizenship tests of any kind. Which will give you and your family after 6 months a passport that will allow you to enter 143 countries without a visa. Which includes all Schengen countries, Britain and China. And the possibility of obtaining a work visa for America for a period of 10 years.

Alternatives to the canceled Portugal Golden Visa


The reason we chose these three programs in particular is because Spain looks like the Portuguese Visa Cancellation in many sides. And Greece, after several months, will double investment values. While Grenada has several features that make it a complete program with simple requirements and a strong passport.

With this, we have completed the best programs that can replace the Golden Visa Program for Portugal.
We have dozens of articles related to citizenship by investment and residency by investment, take a look at them.

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Dominica citizenship by investment https://globalcitizenconsultants.com/dominica-citizenship-by-investment-gcc/ https://globalcitizenconsultants.com/dominica-citizenship-by-investment-gcc/#respond Mon, 06 Mar 2023 16:08:57 +0000 https://globalcitizenconsultants.com/?p=8907 Dominica citizenship by investment is one of the most suitable programs because it provides a complete passport by investment of $200,000. The Dominican passport has the lowest investment requirements among the Caribbean countries in particular and the rest of the citizenship programs in the world in general. With an investment starting from only $200,000, you […]

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Dominica citizenship by investment is one of the most suitable programs because it provides a complete passport by investment of $200,000.

The Dominican passport has the lowest investment requirements among the Caribbean countries in particular and the rest of the citizenship programs in the world in general. With an investment starting from only $200,000, you can obtain this Caribbean citizenship, with the opportunity to add family to obtain a second citizenship and enable them to study at medical universities and other government universities.

When investing in Dominica citizenship by investment, the investor will have obtained residency in 20 countries at the same time besides Dominica.

Dominica passport by investment


With Dominica citizenship by investment, you will get a passport with which you can enter 140 countries without a visa by buying shares in luxury resorts, through which you will earn a refundable investment within 5 years of the same value with high annual benefits and free accommodation in these resorts and Above all, you will get a strong permanent passport for you and all your family members.

The words may seem like an exaggeration for a moment, but Dominica citizenship is legal. The citizenship system was established there in 1993 and is very popular all over the world. The investor can also invest in real estate, rent the property in which he invested, and then resell it after the expiration of the legal period of 5 years.

The Dominica Citizenship Program does not impose a residency requirement after or before obtaining citizenship. A person will be able to obtain Dominica citizenship within weeks by mailing it to the investor’s home addresses after attending the personal interview.

With this, you have obtained a passport without residency at all. It is one of the very few countries that provides such easy and quick services for obtaining Caribbean citizenship.

Nature Island

Dominica is home to some rare flora and fauna, with hot springs, plentiful waterfalls and rainforests, with the second largest active sparkling lake in the world. For all these reasons, Dominica is called the Island of Nature!

In order not to confuse Dominica with the Dominican Republic, we can say that the Dominican Republic is located next to Haiti and its people speak Spanish. While Dominica is located within the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean islands near Puerto Rico, its population speaks English.

The requirements for obtaining Dominican citizenship are very simple, and include: that the person does not have any criminal records, along with proof that the source of the funds used in the investment is clean, and that the state of health is proven by a medical certificate.

Family members who can be added to the citizenship file and the investment methods through which an individual can obtain citizenship will be mentioned in detail below.

Dominica citizenship by investment power

  • Possibility to obtain a legally secured passport from a country of natural beauty within 6 months with a non-refundable investment of $200,000.

  • The country’s official language is English, with friendly citizens. And the ease to obtain the social security and a driver’s license.

  • Dominica citizenship is granted for life with the possibility of being passed on to all future descendants and all current family members.
  • Without performing military service, enjoying privacy, freedom of expression and opinion, and forming trade unions with the highest levels of protection from a country with a very low crime rate.
  • The ability to enter 145 countries without a visa, which includes China, Singapore, Hong Kong, and all Schengen countries and other countries.
  • Ease of obtaining a 10-year work visa for the United States of America and a travel visa for Canada. 
  • Citizens of Dominica can live and work permanently without a permit in any of the OECS countries of which Dominica is a member, including: Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and others.
  • Dominica citizens can live and work permanently without a permit in any of the Dominica Caribbean Union, which includes 20 countries in the West Indies.
  • As with other citizenship programs in other Caribbean countries. Dominica does not require you to cancel your first passport. Your file and your Dominican passport will also be kept strictly confidential.
  • The Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program does not require any residency or examination in order to obtain its citizenship.
  • Government agencies in Dominica provide investors with many packages suitable for families and individuals, to choose between them in the way that suits the investor, after consulting with an accredited office.


Dominica citizenship by investment for businessmen

  • Domestic and foreign wealth and trade can be preserved and regulated by being able to pass the relaxed European tax regimes and completely tax-exempt Dominica regimes.

  • Opening international bank accounts and most importantly opening companies in Europe and all the countries of the Caribbean Union.
  • No restrictions on transfers with duty-free trade in the Caribbean.
  • Dominica is one of the very few countries that allows its citizens to enter China without a visa, and this greatly benefits all people who have business relations with China.
  • Dominica citizenship allows you to enter 145 countries without a visa, thus eliminating the burden of waiting for visas and the possibility of visa rejection.
  • Among the countries that Dominica allows you to enter without a visa are China, all Schengen countries, Singapore, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and many more reputable countries.

Dependents in Dominica citizenship by investment

  • The spouse of the main applicant can be added.

  • Under-18-year-old offspring of the primary applicant or of his or her spouse may be added.
  • Children between the ages of 18 and 30, who are enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education and are dependents of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant.
  • An unmarried daughter of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant under the age of 25, who is wholly dependent on the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant.
  • Children of the main applicant or children of the spouse over the age of 18 who have mental or physical problems and who are completely dependent on the main applicant can be added.
  • Parents and/or grandparents of the main applicant and/or spouses of the main applicant over the age of 65 who are dependents of either the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant.

dominica citizenship by investment obtaining



Option 1: Non-refundable contribution to the Economic Diversification Fund (EDF)


The Economic Diversification Fund (EDF) was established to support the growth of the economy and the development of public and private sector projects; Including building schools, renovating hospitals, building national sports stadiums, promoting agriculture and encouraging tourism. With a non-refundable contribution based on the number of dependents:

– One applicant $200,000

– Family of 4 $ 250,000

– Additional dependents:

– Under 18: $25,000 for each dependent

– Age 18 and over: $40,000 for each dependent

Option 2: real estate investment in a project approved by the Citizenship by Investment Unit in Dominica


The applicant must invest in a real estate project approved by the Government of Dominica with a minimum value of $200,000 USD. Moreover, the investor can only resell this property after 5 years have passed from the date of obtaining the citizenship. The following government fees will also apply depending on the number of dependents:

– One applicant $25,000

– The main applicant and spouse $35,000

– Family of 4 $35,000

– A family of 6 $50,000

– Additional dependents: $25,000 for each dependent

You will be instructed by the offices approved by the Government of Dominica on how to legally collect, certify, translate and submit the required files. Because as an investor, you cannot apply for the citizenship program on your own.

If you would like free legal advice on anything related to the topic of Dominica citizenship by investment, you can write to Global Citizen Consultants, who will assist you in preparing and submitting pre-citizenship and post-citizenship procedures, since they have long experience in this field.

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Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment https://globalcitizenconsultants.com/saint-kitts-and-nevis-citizenship-by-investment/ https://globalcitizenconsultants.com/saint-kitts-and-nevis-citizenship-by-investment/#respond Mon, 27 Feb 2023 11:27:42 +0000 https://globalcitizenconsultants.com/?p=8780 Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment is the most popular and integrated program, for reasons that we will mention in this article. St. Kitts and Nevis are two mountainous islands located within the Caribbean countries in North America, where its inhabitants speak the English language, and it is among the countries of the British […]

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Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment is the most popular and integrated program, for reasons that we will mention in this article.

St. Kitts and Nevis are two mountainous islands located within the Caribbean countries in North America, where its inhabitants speak the English language, and it is among the countries of the British Commonwealth and its ruler is King Charles of England.

Methods to obtain Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship 

    1. The SISC State Island Sustainable Contribution option with a minimum donation threshold is as follows: 

    ◆ $250,000 for a single applicant

    ◆ $300,000 for a family of two

    ◆ $400,000 for a family of 4

    1. Real estate investment by the Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship Unit 

    A real estate investment of $400,000 USD, With the possibility of reselling the property after 7 years and obtaining a rental return or a return during the resale.

    1. Purchase homes approved by the Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship Unit

    ◆ 400 ,000$for residential units

    ◆ $800,000 for a single family home

    1. Investing in PBP projects

    By supporting the government in scientific and real estate projects by investing a minimum of $250,000 with government fees according to the number of dependents.

Please note that the prices shown are final prices without addition, excluding professional fees for accredited companies, issuance of citizenship certificates, passports and shipping costs.

Requirements for obtaining Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship 

– The investor must be a healthy adult with no criminal record

– It is necessary to show the documents proving the source and origin of the funds used in the investment

– Must pass a security check

– If the type of investment used is a real estate investment or an investment in the purchase of private homes, the property must be preserved for a period of 5 or 7 years, depending on the investment package chosen, before it is resold and used.

Members can be added to Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship

  • The wife/husband of the main applicant can be added.
  • All children under the age of 18 of the main applicant or of the spouse.
  • Unmarried children of the main applicant between the ages of 18 and 25 who are studying at a recognized educational institution, provided they are fully supported by the main applicant.
  • Children of the main applicant or children of the spouse over the age of 18 who suffer from a mental or physical disability and who are completely dependent on the main applicant can be added.
  • Unmarried siblings of the main applicant or siblings of the spouse under the age of 26 can be added, provided that they are dependent on him/her.
  • Parents or grandparents of the main applicant who are 65 years of age or older can be added provided that they are dependents through him.

Advantages of Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment



The ability to enter more than 153 countries without a visa


Visa-free entry to 153 countries, including Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Hong Kong, Canada, Singapore, Russia, Switzerland and Palestine. It is also possible to obtain an American tourist visa for a period of 10 years, and the possibility of residing for 180 days a year in Britain, with easy access to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and even the rest of the countries that require a visa.

When you are a resident of St. Kitts, you will, in effect, be a resident of all the other Caribbean countries at the same time, and by taking advantage of this advantage, the investor can spend his free time with his family exploring these islands of natural beauty.

family future


The educational and health systems in St. Kitts are very good if the investor is thinking of enrolling his family members in these systems, although the investor has all the options to choose the best destination for his children in the best European, British and foreign universities, because the Caribbean citizenship of St. Kitts allows Its holder may enter these countries without a visa, as we mentioned.

Also, children born after obtaining citizenship will automatically get a St. Kitts passport without any additional payments. It is also possible to add the spouse after obtaining the citizenship.

A suitable passport for businessmen and wealthy people


Although the official language in Saint Kitts is English, and this is another advantage for citizens in general and businessmen in particular,But Saint Kitts and Nevis does not require knowledge of its language or history in order to obtain its passport. With St. Kitts citizenship, the investor can open and expand an international company and bank accounts anywhere in the world.

The government of St. Kitts has a good tax system, and there is no tax on capital, gifts, donations, legacies, foreign trade and wealth, and it does not impose any tax on non-residents in its territory.

There are no residency requirements


Documents for obtaining St. Kitts citizenship can be submitted without visiting St. Kitts,  as the whole process takes place remotely except visiting it ones for the personal interview, and this is very beneficial for businessmen who are looking to obtain a St. Kitts passport without residing there.

Even when renewing a passport or other necessary procedures, you do not need to attend because St. Kitts does not require any residence after obtaining a passport, which means that it does not require residence before, or after obtaining citizenship. Where, after choosing an accredited office such as Global Citizen Consultants, which is the one that will represent you infront the Government of St. Kitts and perform all citizenship and post-citizenship procedures because it is an office officially approved by the Government of St. Kitts.

Permanent passport


And the most beneficial thing as mentioned is that St. Kitts and Nevis has made a special offer for a limited time with an investment starting from just $125,000, with which you can get a St. Kitts and Nevis passport within 6 months. The process of obtaining St. Kitts citizenship is a straightforward and smooth 6-month process with no additions or extensions.

The St. Kitts passport is not revocable in any way as it falls within the clause of the constitution. In addition, St. Kitts accepts dual citizenship, and the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis does not share information and citizenship with the investor’s current citizenship or with third parties. And after the end of the residence period, the investor has the right to change the name in the new passport.

In light of all these features, Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship is the best citizenship by investment, as we mentioned at the beginning of the article.



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