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If Caribbean citizenship programs are a dream for people with citizenship, just imagine the impact they will have on stateless people.
Citizenship by investment programs in general and Caribbean citizenship programs in particular are the best solution for stateless people who can afford them, as they not only provide a legal document of belonging, but also bring with them many economic, financial and social opportunities.
Since stateless people cannot obtain a passport because they do not have a nationality, Caribbean citizenship programs provide them with these documents in exchange for financial investments in Caribbean countries.
Caribbean citizenship programs can be considered an invaluable solution for stateless people because in the triangle of human needs, home, belonging and security come at the top of the pyramid, before the needs of water, food and family.
Without legal status, it becomes difficult for these people to thrive and settle, but Caribbean citizenship programs offer a glimmer of hope as a combination of securing a home and obtaining citizenship to revive their lives and secure the future of their families.
The Bidoon are a group of people who do not hold the nationality of a specific country, but rather they are marginalized groups deprived of basic rights, and their number currently ranges around 10 million people for reasons related to not completing their papers at birth or from categories that do not hold citizenship such as their ancestors or the cancellation or withdrawal of citizenship for any law.
Some Bidoon individuals are successful and practice various jobs, but they are restricted and face problems because they do not have official and legal papers that transfer their success to the next stage in their practical and professional lives.
Kuwait is known for having 10% of its population who are stateless, and there are other Gulf countries that have numbers of this category, including Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain.
What drives Bidoon to seek Caribbean citizenship programs?
1- Bidoon citizens often receive limited services, and are granted security cards with limited rights instead of local citizenship cards. In addition to the basics, stateless individuals mainly suffer from restrictions when it comes to domestic and international travel.
2- In order to grow their businesses and support their ideas and companies, stateless individuals face obstacles in opening bank accounts or obtaining loans and credits because banks do not want to take risks with clients who do not have strong legal papers to refer to in many cases.
3- I have a friend who is now about 35 years old, and when he was a child in his first year at school, his teacher asked him for his legal papers and he was unable to bring them, and to this day he is deprived of free education services, health services and all social services provided to citizens.
4- There are many other simple services that stateless people cannot enjoy, such as official marriage, employment, good work, obtaining a driver’s license, or owning property such as a house and a car, and his situation and that of future generations on his side will remain the same.
✓ Caribbean citizenship programs provide stateless citizens with the opportunity to move internationally and get to know the world, as they can travel to the Schengen Area, Britain, Canada, and more than 100 other countries without a visa, thus being able to not only reside and work in Caribbean countries with limited resources and location, but also any country with the help of a strong Caribbean passport.
✓ Stateless individuals may dream of opening simple local bank accounts, but Caribbean citizenship programs provide the ability to open multiple offshore international bank accounts in order to support businesses and preserve wealth in financial systems known for their independence and privacy.
✓ The Caribbean countries have local, European, and American universities and have a free health system, which will be among the basics that people look for before thinking about professional development and learning about cultures.
✓ Caribbean citizenship programs provide permanent citizenship to the main investor and his family members and the generations that follow with the eligibility to own real estate or anything else that was difficult for them before. Investing in real estate not only provides these individuals with a service to grant them citizenship based on their investment, but also provides them with a new home and residence available in the same property, in addition to owning a property in the name of the investor, which was denied to them before obtaining citizenship.
To obtain one of the Caribbean citizenship programs, applicants who do not hold a nationality must apply to the three Caribbean countries that accept stateless persons, which are the Dominica Citizenship Program, the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship Program, and the Saint Lucia Citizenship Program.
You will either have to donate $200,000 to one of these countries or invest $400,000 in real estate, provided that the property is not sold within the first seven years of obtaining citizenship, and you are required to bring a criminal record from the country of residence and a relevant local certificate.
In addition to the above, applicants will need to bring some supporting documents available in the absence of a passport, including a local birth certificate, a family registration statement, general travel documents, and proof that the funds used for the investment are from non-suspicious sources. If the latter is not possible, they must be sponsored by someone who will undergo a background check.
Whether you are a stateless person or a citizen and you liked the article and would like to learn more about Caribbean citizenship programs, you can speak to one of our citizenship by investment experts or read the rest of our articles on citizenship and residency by investment.
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